Category: Gaming

  • Revolutionizing Game Development: Unleashing Creativity with AI

    Revolutionizing Game Development: Unleashing Creativity with AI

    Game producers always strive to optimize production and address the inherent and systemized risks that come with game development. Inherent risks relate to individual challenges, while systemized risks affect the entire development process, often leading to mass breakdowns in production pipelines. While having an ideal strategy with early risk mitigation is crucial, the reality is […]

  • Everything I needed to know I learned from the Legend of Zelda

    Everything I needed to know I learned from the Legend of Zelda

    When I was eight years old,  my mom told me to stop playing Zelda all Saturday and to go out and play. Thirty-seven years later, my mom told my son and I to stop playing Zelda all Saturday and to go out and play. Fast forward to 2020, homeschooling became a challenge during the pandemic. […]

  • Discovering the Joys of Gaming Through the Eyes of a 5 year old

    Discovering the Joys of Gaming Through the Eyes of a 5 year old

    As a lifelong gamer and a 20-year Game Developer, I’ve always been a huge fan of the GameCube controller. Its design is perfect for smaller hands, making it my go-to choice. However, due to the frustrating joy-con drift issues, I decided to try out the iPegas controllers shaped like GameCube controllers, which I ordered from […]